It seems that everything is ‘going digital’ since the turn of the millennium, and trading accounts are no exception to this phenomenon. In fact the trading account format in India is now fully digital and that brings with it a multitude of benefits for the trader.
A trading account is linked to a demat account. Securities are stored in the demat account and the trading account is used to move them in and out as and when they are bought or sold. When you do business with a trading company such as 500 Per Crore you will have the ability to do this yourself as you have full freedom to operate your own account without relying on a broker to do it for you. Of course the option to ‘Call and Trade’ is always available if you prefer.
As with most things which are online, you have the ability to access them from virtually anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection and you will be able to access your account, check the information and even make trades. Even better than that, 500 Per Crore’s custom mobile application allows access through a mobile phone (Apple or Android). So you need not ask what the trading profit and loss account format in India is, because for a 500 Per Crore customer it is the same the world over. Wherever you happen to go, accessing and operating your 500 Per Crore account is as simple as logging in through a browser or the mobile application.
Gone are the days when there was no choice but to phone your broker and place an order by talking to them, or step into a branch. Although those options are still available, the online way of working is much more efficient, and puts you in control. You need not wait for an operator to become available before you can carry out your trades, but you may action them yourself through the online system at a time that is convenient and right for you. As we know in the world of trading, time is often of the essence. With online trading your trades are completed much faster, and fact that everything is digital means that you do not need to wait for papers to arrive at your address, or collect them from the branch – everything is there to see online. Because this way of working is less labour intensive than traditional methods were, it contributes to the way we are able to make savings resulting in reduced transaction fees for you.
Our mobile application has end-to-end encryption meaning that your information is kept safe. The fear of losing your paper documents, being sold forgeries or fakes is completely eradicated as everything is verifiable and safe in the digital domain. You are not carrying around your account in your device, so even if your device happened to be destroyed or stolen, your investments would remain safe in the demat account.